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Kazakhstan regional executive bodies contract 30,000 tons of early vegetables from farmers

Regional executive bodies ('akimats') have contracted producers from the Turkestan, Zhambyl, and Almaty regions to supply 29,600 tons of early vegetables. Additionally, with the support of the Trade Policy Development Center Qaztrade, 12 regions of Kazakhstan have signed agreements to import vegetables from state enterprises in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. This was reported by the press service of the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, regional stabilization funds currently hold 76,400 tons of vegetables from last year's harvest: 45,500 tons of potatoes, 11,200 tons of carrots, 10,400 tons of onions, and 9,100 tons of cabbage.

To stabilize vegetable prices until the mass arrival of the early harvest, Deputy Prime Minister Serik Zhumangarin has instructed that all remaining stocks from last year's harvest be sold as quickly as possible.

The meeting also addressed the condition of vegetable storage facilities and food warehouses in regions affected by floods. According to the officials, currently, no warehouses or their contents have been damaged by the high water. The government reported that during the off-season and the arrival of early vegetable harvests on the shelves, statistics have recorded a slight increase in the prices of onions, potatoes, and carrots.


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