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Costa Rican banana and pineapple grower hits national distribution in the U.S.

Kapi Kapi Growers, a Costa Rican grower-shipper of sustainably grown pineapples and bananas, achieves national distribution after launching the brand in North America more than three years ago.

Kapi-branded pineapples first entered the U.S. market in late 2020. Through the leadership of Sofia Acon, president of Kapi Kapi Growers, in December 2020, the first shipments of Kapi pineapples reached the Port of Philadelphia. Retailers and wholesalers in the Northeast took note and distribution had taken off by the end of Q1.

Kapi bananas also began to pick up steam in 2023.

By 2022, Kapi pineapples were primarily delivered up and down the East Coast. By the end of 2023, strategic geographic expansion within the U.S. and Canada had quadrupled year over year volume with a mix of retail, club store, processors, and foodservice customers from coast to coast. Building on the success of the pineapple business, Kapi bananas also began to pick up steam in 2023, generating retail interest and positive sales feedback.

"We're thrilled with the Kapi brand's success so far, and we have no plans of slowing down," said Acon. "Since 2020, we've steadily fine-tuned our operations from farm to shelf and because of that dedication, Kapi is becoming recognized as a quality brand in North America. Our partners know they can rely on us for consistent quality and reliable service. In alignment with this, our team has been diligently focused on diversifying and growing our product lineup."

The brand has also been able to leverage its 30+ years of dedication to quality excellence and sustainable growing practices to serve customers in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Kapi Kapi Growers has earned multiple global certifications and national awards and is a Costa Rican banana grower with multiple farm locations that are certified Carbon Neutral.

For more information:
Kapi Kapi Growers
[email protected]

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