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Società Agricola Milella (Italy)

Apulian new potatoes off to a good start

The first quantities of early potatoes are now available. Although they are lower compared to the beginning of 2023, they can now meet the demands of the growers. Sales prices are also 15-20% higher. The new potato season seems to be off to a good start for Milella, an Italian company based in Bari (Apulia) specializing in the production and marketing of leafy vegetables, potatoes, mini watermelons and table grapes.

"We are harvesting and selling discrete quantities of Arizona (yellow-skinned) potatoes every day, while waiting to start harvesting Alouette (red-skinned) potatoes in about two weeks' time," explains Angelo Milella, sales manager for the Bari-based group. "The total area invested in the current season is 80 hectares, 75% of which is planted with yellow-skinned potatoes and the rest with red-skinned potatoes. We hope that the yields per hectare, which are currently lower than normal, will improve in the coming weeks. We are hoping for a minimum of 30 to 35 tons, compared to the current 20 to 25 tons."

In fact, it is hoped that the exceptionally mild winter weather has had a positive impact on the growth and production development of later transplants. "We have not experienced any particular complications in terms of phytosanitary attacks, except for the necessity to make early use of artesian wells to irrigate our fields, which has led to an increase in production costs, in addition to the increase in the price of the seeds, which has risen to 0.40-0.50 €/kg compared to the previous season.

Growth stage of red potatoes

Milella sells 90% of its potatoes to large retail chains and the rest goes to wholesalers and the horeca sector. "We guarantee deliveries until the first half of August," explains the manager. "Our customers are not only in Italy, but also in Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands. The products are supplied either in bulk (in wooden and cardboard crates for markets or restaurants) or packed in Vertbags of 1.5 to 2.5 kg and in net bags of 3, 4, 5 and 10 kg, destined for supermarkets."

For more information:
Soc. Agr. Milella Srl
Via Napoli 386/A
70132 Bari - Italia
Tel.: +39 0805341229
Email: [email protected]

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