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Michigan peach growers face economic strain from warm winter

Farmers in southwest Michigan anticipate economic challenges due to an unusually warm winter, impacting peach trees and other fruit crops. Gast Family Farms, operating for over a century, exemplifies those affected, with its peach production unlikely this year. The farm's 226 peach trees, normally fruitful from late June to late August, suffered from warm temperatures in November, December, and early January, resulting in the loss of peach buds. The farm, which earned over $20,000 from peaches last year, considers sweet corn its top product but acknowledges peaches as a significant draw for summer visitors.

Dennis Gast, the farm owner, mentioned the importance of supporting local agriculture by visiting local fruit stands during the summer. Despite the setback, Gast Family Farms plans to compensate with vegetable crops, emphasizing the necessity of maintaining peach trees for future production. The warm winter has raised concerns among the agricultural community about the unpredictability of weather patterns and its implications for future growing seasons.


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