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Frost devastated plum harvests in several regions of Ukraine

In early May, overnight frost damaged fruit trees across Ukraine, leaving farmers grappling with significant losses. The owner of a farm in the Dnepropetrovsk region recounted that after a warm Spring, a frost on May 5th caused extensive damage. While some apricots survived, all plums were lost, a first-time occurrence. About 2.5 hectares froze. This was due to the early warmth, causing premature fruit development. The farmer emphasized that if the fruit had been larger or hadn't formed yet, the damage might have been less severe.

Similar situations played out in other regions, with reports of damaged trees in Vinnytsia and Chernivtsi regions. Additionally, crops in the fields of the Novomoskovsk district were also affected by the frost.

The farmer confirmed that there would be no harvest from the frozen trees. Despite his efforts to protect the trees, including spraying with water, smoking, burning fires, and using special machines to generate hot air, the damage was unavoidable. He expressed concerns that if frosts strike again, this year's cherry harvest may also be at risk.


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