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Rungis International Market shows interest in Philippines' Clark Food Hub Project

The Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) has announced the interest of Rungis International Market, the largest fresh market in the world based in France, in the Clark National Food Hub project, valued at P8.5 billion.

During a market sensing mission in France, CIAC engaged with Semmaris, the entity managing Rungis Market, discussing potential partnerships in agriculture and agrifood sectors for the development of the food hub in Clark. The project, aiming to elevate agro-logistics and food safety standards while enhancing opportunities for local producers, is moving forward with its feasibility study, expected to conclude by the end of the year through collaboration with the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center and the Asian Development Bank. A public tender for the project is anticipated in the first quarter of 2025, following a design-finance-build-operate-maintain PPP model.


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