Europe: Blueberry harvest almost month later
"The flowering period for the berries lasted longer and in general the growing period is a reflection of this. It now takes longer for a variety to ripen, as the 'spread' needs more time. The weather also has an influence of course - the nights have been too cold up to now, which is a delaying aspect in the ripening process. We expect to pick more this week. Other varieties have also started to turn blue."
More harvest from France
Theo mentions that because of the delay of three weeks they should be on the market almost at the same time as North Germany and Poland. "We do not expect large volumes from them either, but we will see. In addition blueberries are still coming from the South of France, where the last ones are being picked now. The quality is low because they had a lot of rain during picking. Also because of their presence they bring down the prices of the good berries. In general prices are good, although not exceptionally so. At the moment the price is between 5 and 6 Euro. This price is about the same in Germany and Poland."
Moderately optimistic
The grower expects less volume in total than during an average year. "The arrears at the start define the character of the new season. We therefore expect to pick less. Whether picking will last longer depends on the weather during September/October. When that is favourable we can still pick then. We are moderately optimistic about the season. The volume is still disappointing now, but that will come right once the nights become warmer. There are more countries on the market, but there is clearly a need for a larger volume. In England the blueberry is playing a larger role all the time. Demand slowly increases, because the positive health aspects are being emphasized. The consumer is becoming more enthusiastic all the time." "In addition to fresh blueberries, Douven also supplies processed fruit under the B-Berry brand. B-Berry is an own label Milieukeur-certified growing company in Horst. The fresh blueberries are processed into juice, wine. liqueur, jam or syrup."
For more information:
Theo Douven
24, Herenbosweg
5962 NX Horst
Tel: 0031 6-53154459