Health warning on Moroccan cherry tomatoes
All sufferers consumed tomatoes imported from Morocco. According to news magazine, the tomatoes were marketed by Idyl, a French company that produces, packages and imports Moroccan fruit and vegetables into France. The company responded directly on this accusation: “We have been informed by French health authorities of consumer complaints concerning indigestion of limited duration potentially linked to the eating of a variety of cherry tomatoes from Morocco. Although no analysis has revealed the slightest product non-conformity, Idyl company has decided, as a precaution, to stop marketing this variety from May 2 2014 on."
The tomatoes were sold in many French supermarkets. Czech authorities discovered that Idyl imported over 50,000kg of cherry tomatoes into the country between the 20th April - 2nd May. At first consumers were advised against a certain lot, but the following day they were warned not to eat any cherry tomatoes from Morocco.