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Abiopep develops solution against PepMV in tomatoes

Abiopep Plant Health was selected for the EOI programme for its development of biotechnological solutions to improve quality and productivity in horticulture.

AbioPep's success is based on having developed a product/service, AbioProtec, which ensures cross-protection in tomato crops against Pepino Mosaic Virus (PepMV), which is causing significant economic losses to greenhouses in south east Spain.

The company, a spin-off from CEBAS-CSIC, has an elaborate strategy for research and development through several alternative ways that increase the probability of success in finding the characters of genetic resistance to this same disease and others.

"The EOI course has aided us in developing our business plan in a professionalised manner in order to make it attractive for investors and facilitate our expansion," stresses Antonio Méndez, one of the company's researchers.

Source: La Opinion de Murcia
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