A versatile product
Demand for broccoli rabe has grown to not only be a vegetable consumed in the Fall, but now it is more of a ‘year-round’ green used in sandwiches, pastas and salads. “Usually, demand quadruples for Columbus Day in October and generally increases with holidays. Broccoli rabe is a versatile product with a bold flavor”, said Villalobos. However, different cooking techniques give the vegetable a milder flavor. Broccoli rabe can be sautéed, grilled or blanched. Traditionally, it is eaten with pasta and sausage, but is also delicious as an ingredient in salads, lasagna or in a smoothie.
“Supplies of broccoli rabe are plentiful right now”, said Villalobos. “From March through November, we grow broccoli rabe in the Salinas Valley and in the winter, we grow out of the Imperial Valley, which enables us to supply the product year-round”, Villalobos added. D’Arrigo Brothers has its own patented variety and because of ongoing research from our R&D department we can provide a consistent bunch and flavor year-round.
Broccoli-rabe campaign

Andy Boy label
D’Arrigo Brothers is a family-owned company. The D’Arrigo family originates from Sicily, Italy and growing broccoli rabe is native to the family. The company sells produce under the Andy Boy label and is celebrating its 95th anniversary this year as a family of companies (D’Arrigo CA, NY and Massachusetts). The little boy on the label was three years old when the company started. He is now 91 years old and still goes into the office every day.
For more information:
Claudia Villalobos
D’Arrigo Brothers
Tel: (+1) 831-455-4315
[email protected]