Fyffes provides assistence to Belize banana farm
So Maya King has been forced to dump huge volumes of bananas in the different communities near to their farm. They have been taking dumping the trucks in public areas, such as a basketball court or a football field, and unloading as much as 14 tonnes of bananas per truck. The residents are allowed to take home as much they want to their families. According to Zabaneh, the entire load, all 14 tonnes of it, usually disappears within 10 to 15 minutes.
However, the company was recently provided temporary relief. Zabaneh said that Fyffes, one of the biggest fruit distributors in the world, has offered to provide a bit of assistance to Maya King so that they can afford to keep the staff of 1,200 employees. That financial assistance has allowed Mayan King, temporarily, to deal with expenses and to meet payroll.
Source: 7newsbelize.com