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Russia collected record vegetable harvest 2015

In 2015, Russia collected a record vegetable harvest - 16.1 million tons compared to 15.5 million tons last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. This figure is also 12.3% higher than the average for the last five years.

As pointed out by the authority, the increase occurred despite the difficult macroeconomic conditions, as well as drought, floods and fires in some regions.

According to the regional government on December 24, the gross yield of greenhouse vegetable crops totaled 470,900 tons, including cucumbers - 337,000, tomatoes - 123,400 tons and other vegetables 10,500 tons.

Collection of potatoes totaled 33.6 million tons, which is 15.9% more than the average of the past five years. In 2014, 31.5 million tons of potatoes were collected. The harvest of fruits and berries amounted to 2.9 million tons. This is 9% more than the average over the past five years, but lower than in 2014 (3 million tons).

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