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Miguel Martín, president of ASPA:

"Spain: "A greater commitment to quality bananas is needed"

The president of the Association of Agricultural Producers and Ranchers of La Palma (ASPA), Miguel Martín, has expressed his satisfaction with the meeting held in recent days on the island with the newly elected president of Asprocan, Henry Sicilia, who was handed a document with a series of proposals to help ensure the good future of the sector, which is currently not going through a good moment due to the fall in fruit prices, which is mainly affecting the incomes of smaller producers.

"We have been working intensely for a month. After drawing up a document with proposals for the future, we have met with different groups and having been able to meet with Henry Sicilia so soon is really good. We have also talked to the Counsellor and his deputy to continue working in leaving this crisis behind," said Martin.

In the measures proposed, ASPA considers it essential for the sector to work together to negotiate with Europe. "That is vital from our point of view," said Miguel Martín.

He also argues that a greater commitment to quality is needed, "rather than to the number of brands and boxes. There needs to be a uniform quality. I always say that those doing the groceries don't look to buy boxes; they only demand quality and brands."

Another fundamental aspect for ASPA is the zoning of the crops, so that "those who have to harvest in summer or winter do it at those times, so that there are fewer production peaks in the summer, when we cannot exceed 4.5 million kilos for many reasons."

The representatives of the Association also talked to the president of Asprocan about the need to sell part of the production outside Spain. "This means enhancing the role of the trader-coordinator within Asprocan," said Martín.

Another of ASPA's demands is the creation of a common fund. The idea is to be in a better position to face situations such as the one bananas are currently going through, which can have a considerable impact on the island.

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