USA: Vidalia onions to arrive early after mild winter in Georgia
“I would like to thank all members of the Vidalia Onion Advisory Panel, scientists from the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, and our Department of Agriculture professionals in the growing region, for their science based input. At this time the 2017 crop is in excellent condition and considerably ahead of schedule thanks to good weather,” said Commissioner Gary W. Black.
“The panel recommended, and I have accepted, the proposal to set the 2017 pack date for Wednesday, April 12. We ask the Lord’s blessing on these farm families and feel confident that this date will allow our Vidalia onion farmers to put the best product on the market for our consumers who have been waiting for that sweet Vidalia flavor.”
Vidalia onions are unique to Georgia and may only be grown in parts of a 20-county area in the southeastern part of the state. According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service, Georgia farmers harvested 268 million pounds of Vidalia onions from 11,200 acres in 2015. Value of production for last year’s crop exceeded 120 million.