The general feeling was that the combination of the National Horticulture Convention and PMA Fresh Connections had been a huge success and long overdue. The only complaint was that perhaps there was just bit too much going on at the same time, spreading attendees to the sessions a bit thin, but the quality of the speakers was first rate.

Click here for the photo report
The program was a busy one starting on Monday afternoon with a lunch and Industry Extension Forum by Potatoes South Australia and then official opening in the evening.
Tuesday got off to an early start with the Perfection Fresh Breakfast and the morning was filled with presentations running in conjunction with the trade fair. The trade fair was busy in the morning, in the afternoon the visitors thinned out to attend the many sessions running. There were four different programs to choose from all with quality speakers.
On Wednesday the early birds went along to the South Australia Produce Market Tour. Watch this space for a photo report of the tour. Meanwhile back at the convention center there was choice of two breakfast sessions to attend. The day continued with a great selection of sessions ending with the traditional gala dinner sponsored by One Harvest.