Not surprisingly, the reason for the soft market on limes is weather-related. “Mexico had a period where they didn’t get any rain for a long time,” says Cutsinger. “Then they got some rain followed by some high temperatures so you might see a quality issue coming up here in the not too distant future.”
Demand not bad
Meanwhile demand for limes is fair—Cutsinger estimates about a 7 on a scale of one to 10. “Demand should be higher,” he says. “It’s fair because the prices are so cheap for limes.” Prices have been on a steady decline for limes in the past several weeks. “In terms of price, it’s about 20 per cent lower than this time last year,” he notes.
So looking ahead, what does Cutsinger see? “I think we’ll still see a heavy volume for the next couple of weeks or so,” he says.
For more information:
J.B. Cutsinger
International Citrus Produce
Tel: +1 650-342-4525