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Unexpected potato shortage hits Cork and Kerry

The consistent adverse weather conditions and the decline in the number of farmers have led to a significant shortage of the Kerr's Pink potato variety, a favorite in Cork and Kerry. This scarcity has resulted in many supermarkets and independent grocers running out of stock.

Dan Horan, owner of Horan's Fruit & Veg in Kerry, expressed his concern over not witnessing such a shortage in his 35 years of business. "We've gotten into a very difficult position with potatoes. The Kerr's Pinks are completely finished and can't be got until the new season in August, but a lot depends on the weather," he stated. Additionally, the shortage extends to the Golden Wonders variety, leaving only Roosters and Markies available, which are considered a satisfactory alternative to Kerr's Pinks. Horan highlighted the unusual scarcity impacting the availability of these potatoes, which typically last until mid-July.

Horan also mentioned the particular impact of the shortage on people in Cork, Kerry, and Tipperary, emphasizing the preference for Kerr's Pink potatoes. The decline in potato varieties is partly attributed to the decreasing number of farmers in the industry, a situation Horan finds concerning. He criticized the government's insufficient efforts to support Irish produce, contrasting it with the situation in Holland, known for its fair prices and status as a leading exporter of fruit and vegetables. Wexford potato farmer Sean Ryan indicated that supermarkets might resort to importing potatoes to compensate for the domestic shortage.


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