Turkey: Abundant snow leads to good harvest expectations
Sabri Akçalar, the president of the Osmangazi Chamber of Agriculture in the province of Bursa, discussed the extreme weather conditions experienced throughout the country and noted the benefit of the heavy snow, saying that it increases soil fertility. He said: “Our expectation is an increase in harvests. If no frost is seen until April, harvests will be good this summer.” He added.
Turkish Produce Dealers and Street Traders Federation (TÜSPAF) President Mehmet Çakman also said there will be a rise in agricultural yields and that a large amount of fruits, vegetables and grains will be available this summer. He noted the implementation in January of the new Street Dealers Law, which in part helps direct profits to producers, and said, “Producers of agricultural products will be able to sell at street markets now.” On many fronts, Turkey’s farmers are well poised to profit in 2012.
Source: www.sundayszaman.com