Spain: Reviewing UNE norms for controlled production of fruits and vegetables
Controlled production norms by UNE for fruits and vegetables are into line with the GlobalGAP protocol.
After publishing the last GlobalGAP protocol, they are working on adapting the norm UNE 155000 regarding general requirements for controlled production to the new version of the GlobalGAP protocol, to keep the official authorization. This coordination between both protocols allow Spanish producers to get their productions certified under the UNE norm and to get also the certification for the GlobalGAP protocol.
On the other hand, the Certification Committee by AENOR, made up of representatives of producers, consumers associations, laboratories and representatives of the autonomic and national administrations, had a meeting recently in Madrid, to verify the strict fulfilling of controlled production norms, the norms UNE 155000 for fruits and vegetables, by the producing companies assigned to these norms.
During the 2010-2011 campaign were certified 17,000 hectares in greenhouse with the norm UNE 155000, from which 3,000 were cultivated by incorporating methods of biologic fight against pests and disease.
Source: Fepex