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Revenue up sharply by 18.5% to €123.8 million

Omer-Decugis & Cie posts an excellent first half 2023/24

Omer-Decugis & Cie, an international group specializing in fresh and exotic fruit and vegetables, has published its revenue for H1 2023/24 (1 October 2023 to 31 March 2024) and Q2 2023/24 (1 January to 31 March 2024).

Omer-Decugis & Cie posted Q2 revenue of €57.7 million, up 13.7% (including 8.3% organic growth) compared to the same period last year. The SIIM division recorded revenue of €42.1 million for the period, up 13.3% (including 10.9% organic growth) from €37.2 million last year. The BRATIGNY division revenue rose 14.9% to €15.6 million (including 1.0% organic growth).

H1 2023/24 revenue amounted to €123.8 million, up 18.5% (including 13.5% organic growth). This improvement reflects a highly satisfactory performance by both divisions, boosted by recent acquisitions, particularly in the Group's wholesale division.

In the SIIM division, business continued to be driven by ongoing growth in the strategic BPMA segment (bananas, pineapples, mangoes, avocados) and the rapid development of the exotic fruit segment (lychees, dragon fruit, tropical avocados, star fruit, etc.). During the period, the Group finalised the acquisition of EMA'S, a Danish importer of exotic and ethnic fruit and vegetables that is now the hub of the division's operations in Northern Europe and Scandinavia.

In the BRATIGNY division, business was driven by a robust performance in the exotic and ethnic segments, underpinned by development in the vegetable segment following the acquisition of seasonal fruit and vegetable wholesaler Champaris France (October 2023). This acquisition also enabled the Group to gather all its wholesale operations together in a single building, hall D2 (sales units spanning 24 consecutive doors).

Vincent Omer-Decugis, Chairman and CEO of Omer-Decugis & Cie, said: "We posted an excellent first half in line with our growth forecasts. Our robust revenue growth is the fruit of the strategic plan we have been following for several years, aimed at expanding our offering and market share across all fresh fruit and vegetable distribution circuits in France and Europe. Under this plan, we have been particularly successful in developing product ranges tailored to market trends (appetite for exotic and ethnic produce, low-carbon operations) and the expectations of European consumers (diversified and vegetable diets)."

With this solid H1 2023/24 performance, the Group is confident on its ability to improve its operating margin in FY 2023/24 and to confirm its targets for 2025, namely €230 million in revenue and an EBITDA margin above 5%.

Click here to read the full PR.

For more information:
Omer-Decugis & Cie
1 place Paul Omer-Decugis
BP 70131 94538 Rungis, France
Tel.: +33 (0)1 45 12 29 60
Email: [email protected]

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