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“The demand for flat peaches from Spain grows every year”

The Spanish flat peach season kicked off almost a month ago and looks promising in terms of quality, volumes and marketing. This fruit continues to gain popularity with consumers for its quality and price. An overview of the current market with a French operator.

Slightly early start to the campaign
The Paraguayo 2024 campaign kicked off in mid-April, "slightly earlier than last year, which could be attributed to more favorable weather conditions during the spring, allowing the fruits to ripen earlier. However, this start is consistent with the usual start to the season in the main producing regions, such as Murcia. The volumes harvested this year should be good, thanks to stable weather conditions that favored good flowering and fruit development. As a result, quality is excellent this year, with fruit of superior sweetness and juiciness, characteristics that are highly sought-after on the markets."

"Growing popularity in Europe"
"The demand for Paraguayos remains strong, supported by their growing popularity in Europe. Consumers appreciate their sweet flavor and convenient texture for consumption." Prices at the start of the 2024 season are "slightly higher than normal, currently between €4 and €5 [4.3 USD and 5.4 USD] per kilo, but ultimately normal in the context of their superior quality."

Overall, the demand for flat peaches on the French market tends to increase each year. While the trend is towards products made in France, the French production of flat peaches is still in its infancy. "Spain remains the market leader for flat peaches in Europe, even though France continues to improve quality and varietal diversity."

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