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Mangosteen from Thailand currently cheaper than local variety in Vietnam

In Vietnam, mangosteen imported from Thailand is currently priced between VND50,000-65,000 (US$2.16-2.56) per kilogram, which is significantly lower than the price of the local variety from Binh Duong Province. According to a fruit merchant at the Xom Moi market in HCMC's Go Vap District, despite the lower price, the quality of the imported mangosteen this year surpasses previous years. The decrease in price is attributed to an oversupply, leading to a reduction from the usual VND100,000-200,000 per kilogram. Daily sales for some merchants range between 30–50 kilograms. The preference for Thai mangosteen over the local variety is noted, with one seller on Go Vap's Thong Nhat Street reporting higher sales for the imported fruit.

A wholesale market manager in Thu Duc City mentioned that 260 tons of mangosteen have been imported in the last two weeks, with plans to further increase imports, potentially lowering prices even more. The Vietnamese variety, on the other hand, has seen a 15% price increase from last year due to a low supply.

[ VND10,000 = € 0.37 ]


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