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Cherry season in Himachal Pradesh starts well, after a delay

Cherry cultivation in Himachal Pradesh has experienced a delay in fruit set and ripening due to changing weather conditions. Despite these challenges, the season has commenced positively, with the fruit achieving prices between ₹400 to ₹900 per kilogram in state markets. The delay, attributed to a dry winter, has not deterred growers who anticipate a profitable season owing to the high demand that has seen prices double compared to the previous year.

Consignments from Kotgarh, Kumarsain, and Nankhadi have begun to arrive at the Dhali vegetable market, with prices ranging as mentioned. While harvests have started in lower altitude areas, higher regions are yet to see activity. Comparatively, last season's prices were around ₹200 per kilogram, with this year's prices showing a significant increase. Anup Bhailaik, a grower from Kotgarh, remarks on the decreased production this season due to adverse winter weather, suggesting climate change as a contributing factor.

[ ₹100 = €1.10 ]


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