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Xinjiang's fruits make inaugural journey on express trucks to Kazakhstan

This weekend, express trucks loaded with fresh fruits initiated a journey from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwest China directly to Almaty, Kazakhstan, leveraging expedited customs clearance benefits. These trucks, designed for efficient cross-border transport, adhere to the "International Convention on the Harmonization of Frontier Controls of Goods," allowing for direct dispatch and delivery without the need for customs inspections en route. This process significantly cuts down on clearance time and transport costs.

Customs operations including consolidation and inspection are managed at a fruit and vegetable wholesale market in Xinjiang. Upon reaching Horgos Port, a key border crossing between China and Central Asia, the vehicles proceed directly to Kazakhstan. This method represents a substantial cost reduction for exporters.

"For our merchants, this is a significant advantage as it reduces transportation time. Previously, going through the port procedures would add an extra day to the transit. But the express trucking mode saves a day of transportation time and eliminates the need for two transshipments. Merchants can now complete all relevant customs procedures here in one go, providing them with great convenience and benefiting their business tremendously," explained Zhou Kai, the market official.


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