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Southern Region news release

Florida utilized avocado production for 2023 totaled 10,550 tons

The USDA has released its Southern Region news release regarding non-citrus fruits and nuts. Among the main findings are these results:

Florida's utilized production for 2023 totaled 10,550 tons, down 41 percent from 2022 while its associated value of production was down 25 percent to $10.7 million.

Georgia's utilized production, at 99.1 million pounds, was up 43 percent from 2022. The value of utilized production was up 38 percent from 2022 to $156 million. Utilized production of blueberries in Florida for 2023 was down 34 percent to 21.4 million pounds, while value of production decreased 28 percent to $75.0 million.

Multiple freeze events during 2023 negatively impacted peach production in the Southern Region. In Georgia, utilized peach production for 2023 was the lowest on record since 1955. As a result, utilized production was down 78 percent to 4,790 tons, while value of production decreased 69 percent from 2022 to $10.5 million. South Carolina's utilized production for 2023 was down 49 percent to 33,560 tons, and its associated value of production decreased 40 percent to $62.9 million.

Florida's utilized production of strawberries in 2023 totaled 295 million pounds, up 5 percent from 2022. The value of utilized production in 2023 was down 9 percent from 2022 to $434 million.

Click here to read the full report.


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