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Litchi harvest season to start in Hainan

Hainan province, a key litchi producing area in China, is initiating promotional activities for the fruit's sales as the harvest season approaches. This year, the province's litchi output is projected at approximately 190,000 tons, marking a 20% decrease, as reported by Hainan Daily. China, the leading litchi producer globally, anticipates a nearly 40% reduction in litchi production due to weather impacts, stated Chen Houbin, a chief scientist of the National Litchi Longan Industrial Technology System. Haikou's annual litchi production is forecasted at 77,000 tons, with expected sales reaching 1.3 billion yuan ($180 million).

At a trade fair in Haikou, the volcano litchi, specifically the Feizixiao variety, garnered sale orders of about 71,400 tons, representing 92.7% of this year's production. To maintain freshness, Haikou has implemented a production and marketing docking mechanism and integrated cold chain facilities for storage preservation. The city collaborates with air cargo and express delivery services for timely delivery. Additionally, the Hainan Harbor & Shipping Holding Corporation has launched a daily litchi truck special ship transport class from May 10 to May 31 to facilitate swift and secure litchi transport.


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