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'Elite' seed potatoes cultivated in Ivanovo district, Belarus

In the Ivanovo district of Belarus, the "Agro-Motol" farm is successfully cultivating elite seed potatoes using test tube technology. This method produces potatoes with perfect shape and high disease resistance, contributing to the seed import substitution strategy.

The farm's laboratory, led by biologist Yulia Shikolai, has been operational for 4.5 years. The process begins with purchasing several hundred test tube samples from the Academy of Sciences and multiplying them into thousands of plants. After cutting, the potatoes are transplanted into greenhouses, where optimal growth conditions are maintained through drip irrigation, disinfection systems, and climate control.

Producing elite seed potatoes takes four years, with the final product ready in the fifth year. Half of the harvest is used for the farm's own needs, while the remainder is sold in Belarus and Russia. Over six years since the project's inception, the "Agro-Motol" farm eliminated the need for imported seeds.

After winter storage, the potatoes are sorted first automatically, then manually, to ensure 100% germination. Potatoes require soil warmed to at least 10 degrees Celsius for optimal growth.


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