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Asian ports hit by Red Sea backlogs

The crisis in the Red Sea is presenting challenges for ports in Asia and the Middle East, with potential repercussions for European facilities, according to analysts. They note a state of continuous flux in container ship diversions from the Red Sea and Suez Canal, with adjustments in port calls and vessel sizes to manage Asia to Europe rotations. This situation is compounded by various factors, including weather events, high volumes, and holidays such as Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr, leading to difficult conditions for port operators.

Eleanor Hadland, an analyst at Drewry Shipping Consultants, highlighted emerging congestion hotspots and noted a shift in how cargo is handled, with a move towards consolidating cargo onto specific routes. This shift has significantly affected Jebel Ali Port, where the time ships spend in port has increased, impacting trucking and storage facilities. A DP World spokesperson acknowledged the increase in vessel arrivals at Jebel Ali due to severe weather and route changes but assured efforts to maintain efficient operations.

Analyses by MDS Transmodal reveal changes in the number and size of vessels in the Asia to Europe trades, with fluctuations observed in ports like Singapore and Port Klang. Antonella Teodoro of MDS noted a rise in capacity on the Asia to Europe trade lane and variations in service capacity with wayport calls. Hadland remarked on the challenges ports face in adapting to these changes, indicating that the effects on European ports have yet to be observed.


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