Chile has shipped 58 percent more cherry volume to the U.S. compared to the same time last year and Chilean cherry promotions have been in full swing since late December. In addition to point-of-sale material, videos, new recipes, custom digital ads and in-store merchandising support, the Committee has engaged in several new programs, including influencer marketing and TikTok.
Karen Brux, managing director of the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA), these cherry bins have been instrumental in driving consumer awareness and sales.
The Committee also worked with four large retail chains on the design and production of cherry bins. According to Karen Brux, managing director of the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association (CFFA), the bins have been instrumental in driving consumer awareness and sales. “Many shoppers have no idea that cherries are available during our winter months, so these bins have been incredibly effective in grabbing their attention and driving category sales. We currently have more than 1,000 bins on display and we’re planning to expand the program next season,” says Brux.
To strengthen consumer awareness, Cherries from Chile is undertaking a national ad campaign in conjunction with Audacy. Radio ads and online ads are running in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, Tampa, San Antonio and Cincinnati through February 4. As part of the campaign, consumers can enter to win a trip to Los Angeles to catch some of music’s biggest superstars in the 2023 “We Can Survive” concert. Previous concerts have included such stars as Coldplay, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Lizzo and Billie Eilish, among others. The prize package includes two concert tickets, access to a VIP party at the Hollywood Bowl, airfare for two and spending money.
For more information:
Karen Brux
Chilean Fresh Fruit Association
Tel: (650) 218-5061