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Guido Doddoli joins Calavo Foods as Sales Manager, Export Division

Calavo Growers is pleased to announce that Guido Doddoli Cárdenas has joined the company as Sales Manager, Export Division for Calavo Foods. In this role, Doddoli will be focusing on building and managing sales for the Calavo's guacamole and processed avocado business in Mexico, the United States, and other international markets.

Doddoli comes to Calavo with an illustrious family heritage & deep rooted experience in the Mexican avocado industry, including growing, production and project management in fresh and processed avocados. Prior to joining the Sales team at Calavo, Guido worked as Sales Manager for Grupo Freza where he expanded the company's portfolio in the US market and worked to facilitate entry into new markets in Europe, Oceania, Mexico and the United States. He also brings innovation and product development experience to his new role with diversification into industrial and foodservice markets.

"The addition of Guido will add tremendous value to our experienced Sales team. We are eager to tap into Guido's aptitude and network as we continue to build our retail and foodservice programs and look forward to his impact" stated Ron Araiza, EVP for Calavo's Foods Division.

Doddoli's role with Calavo began on April 30th, and reports to Ron Araiza, EVP. His position is based in Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico where Calavo's avocado processing facility is located.

Lindsay Martinez
Calavo Growers
Tel: 805.921.3283
[email protected]

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