Zimbabwe’s horticulture exports in 2021 ended up at US$64.6 million, reflecting a 6.8% increase compared to the US$59.5 mln recorded in 2020. Trade promotion body ZimTrade confirmed the figures in its latest statement. It said major contributors to the export market were macadamia nuts, which contributed US$13.8 million, citrus at US$10.9 million, vegetables at US$4.2 million and flowers at US$3.2 million.
“With the horticulture recovery and growth plan under implementation to stimulate export growth, indications are that local farmers will boost production, making it easy to meet requirements by buyers and growing demand,” ZimTrade said. “Although some may record the increase in imports as an unfavorable development, it is encouraging to note that the bulk of imports were raw materials and capital equipment being channeled into the local manufacturing sector to boost production.”
Source: farmersreviewafrica.com