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Italian varietal innovation showcased in Netherlands and Spain

In June, the CIV-Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti proceeded with its continuous updating and sharing of information with other European operators by participating in events such as the "Delphy ISFC Field Day" in the Netherlands and the Congress of Red Fruits in Spain, with the aim of growing and creating new and stimulating synergies.

The CIV president Mauro Grossi emphasized that they have participated with Dr. Andrea Colpo, a strawberry & soft fruits breeder assistant in the Research Dpt., along with his colleague, Andrea Farinelli - who was already a pipfruit breeder assistant - and Dr. Federico Stanzani, Head of business development, who are the two latest arrivals in our CIV team.

In Holland, Andrea Colpo with Dr. Sarah De Laethauwer of Idris Consulting - after visiting some of our Licensees of strawberries and the Institute Proefcentrum Hoogstratren at Delphi ISFC Field Day in Horst, an event where the exhibition dedicated to berries was held. It was an important moment of comparison with interesting presentations on the propagation techniques of small fruits with different cultivation techniques and focus on re-flowering varieties with production in "greenhouse".

Recently Federico Stanzani participated in the eighth edition of the Berry Fruit Congress 2023 organized by Freshuelva at Casa Colón in Huelva. Huelva has the largest production area of berry fruits in Europe. On this occasion Stanzani had the opportunity to meet - together with our local collaborator T&V CONSULTING of Rafael Vargas and Francisco M. Tirado Monge - the operating Partners and Licensees strawberries CIV in the Territories of Spain/Morocco, valuable collaborators of the consortium of Ferrara.

CIV will then be present on July 12th, 2023 with its own stand - organized by our partner Idris Consulting - at the next edition of the UK Event Fruit Focus at NIAB in Est Malling, where we present the most recent varieties from of our different research programs of breeding of strawberry to be developed on a global scale. "Our work has a truly global dimension," said Grossi. "We will collaborate with the most important European and international public and private bodies."

Mauro Grossi: "We welcome the new arrivals in our CIV team: Andrea Colpo in the strawberry & soft fruit research area and Federico Stanzani in the commercial area. Fresh and young forces that will contribute to our current and future projects". In July CIV in England at UK Fruit Focus at NIAB in East Malling

For more information:
CIV-Consorzio Italiano Vivaisti
Tel +39 0533 399431
E-mail: [email protected]

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