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New pest-resistant, high yielding potato variety introduced in Kenya

Kenya’s potato farmers are praising the introduction of a new potato variety that is not only resistant to pests, but is high in yield as well. The variety is globally sought after by fast-food eateries, both in Kenya and internationally. The launch of the new variety is reportedly expected to introduce contractual farming between farmers and buyers, ensuring a ready market for their produce.

The new potato variety was introduced to Kenyan farmers through a training facilitated by the Potato Consortium. This consortium was formed to assist potato farmers in increasing their yield and reducing post-harvest losses. The initiative was a response to an outcry by Kenyans when the fast-food chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), announced they had run out of potatoes and were forced to import.

The introduction of this new variety comes as a relief to local farmers who were struggling to find a market for their produce.


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