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2023 International Fruit Expo, Guangzhou, September 1-3

China's domestic and import fruit industry on display

In recent years, in line with China's domestic consumption growth and reforms on the supply-side, the intersection of the imported fruit industry and the domestic fruit industry has grown, resulting in a situation where the two phases blend.

Although the epidemic that has lasted for three years has brought huge challenges to the Chinese market, according to official data, the total amount of imported fruit in the Chinese market has continued to grow in the past three years, and the structure has changed.

Recently, the 2023 International Fruit Fair announced that it will be held in Guangzhou from September 1st to 3rd, 2023. Kurt Huang, the person in charge of the exhibition, shares his insights on China's domestic and imported fruit industry and trends.

This exhibition is jointly organized by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce and Animal Products, and China Fruit Marketing Association.

According to Kurt: "The China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Foodstuffs, Native Animals and Animals is the largest industry association in the field of import and export of food and agricultural products in my country. The China Fruit Marketing Association focuses on the cultivation of domestic fruits and their circulation in the domestic market. Based on the cooperation with the (International) Fruit Conference, we will co-host the 2023 International Fruit Exhibition, integrate resources, and join forces to speak out for the Chinese fruit industry."

Guangzhou - birthplace of China Mainland imported fruit industry
The reason why this exhibition was changed to Guangzhou, Kurt explains, is because: "As the birthplace of the imported fruit industry in mainland China, Guangzhou plays a vital role in the field of fruit distribution in China. The Canton Fair Exhibition Centre has a series of modern exhibition facilities and Professional Services, and can provide exhibitors and visitors with a first-class visit and display experience."

Kurt added that on the one hand, this is due to the important position of Guangzhou in the field of fruit distribution in China, and on the other hand, it is also for the convenience of everyone to continue to participate in the Asia Fruit Logistica held in Hong Kong.

China's 'Fruit Week'
"The Asia Fruit Logistica Hong Kong exhibition has a strong Asia-Pacific attribute, and the Shanghai exhibition has a strong mainland China locality. The two exhibitions are developed together and complement each other. They are connected to form a complete "Fruit Week", which is more convenient for industry insiders to communicate and interact together", continues Kurt.

In fact, many overseas exporters going to the Hong Kong exhibition will go to mainland China to inspect the Chinese market before and after the Hong Kong exhibition. The hosting of the Shanghai exhibition will bring Chinese merchants together, making their inspection work more efficient and comprehensive.

Number of overseas exhibitors increases sharply
When talking about overseas exhibitors, Kurt says: "The end of the epidemic in China is a great benefit, the flow of people has increased, the catering, exhibition, and tourism industries have resumed their busyness, and the city's economic heat will significantly increase the demand for imported fruits. The increase in imports of imported fruits is expected It will be significantly enlarged, after all, 7 million tons of imported fruits are not worth mentioning in comparison with China's total consumption of 300 million tons."

"At this exhibition, exporters from Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Chile, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Peru, and other major origins targeting the Chinese market will also rush to the Chinese market after the outbreak, and cooperate with domestic cooperative enterprises on the platform of the International Fruit Exhibition,” Kurt says, “Talking about cooperation, take Chile as an example, 100-150 Chilean fruit importers and exporters will set up a pavilion under the organization of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association (ASOEX) to attend the exhibition and connect with domestic buyers."

"In addition to the exhibition, the 7th China (International) Fruit Conference will be grandly held the day before the 2023 International Fruit Show. The conference will invite more than ten major exporting country officials, including Chile, Thailand, Australia, Peru, New Zealand, and foreign investors in China," says Kurt.

"More than 500 people from fruit companies, domestic leading companies, domestic and foreign fruit associations, and representatives of fruit exhibition exhibitors participated, closely related to the development proposition of the contemporary fruit industry, and talked about new trends in the industry!"

Finally, Kurt concludes: "In the early stage of the exhibition, we will also invite chain stores There are 15,000+ professional buyers in supermarkets, chain stores, e-commerce and community group buying, wholesale traders, hotels and catering, and retail channels. At the exhibition site, the organizer will arrange business matching between specific buyers and leading exhibitors to negotiate procurement.”

For more information:

Iris Chen
Fruit Expo
[email protected]

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