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Detecting harmful artificial ripening practices

Agriculture Ministry Cameroon recommends rapid detection kits in markets

Agriculture Minister Gabriel Mbairobe has announced that the Cameroonian Ministry of Agriculture has ordered the purchase of rapid detection kits to spot traders using products to ripen or make farm products look fresh. Mbairobe official spoke out against the misuse of products such as ethephon, and traders’ use of chemicals such as formaldehyde to ripen certain farm products. "These misuses are contrary to the provisions of the law of April 21, 2003, on phytosanitary protection, and endanger the health of the population," he said.

He, therefore, instructed the Ministry of Agriculture’s directorate in charge of the assessment of the quality of farm products to organize an awareness campaign targeting the distributors of phytosanitary products. He also instructed checks in markets using the rapid detection kits.

The resurgence of that artificial ripening phenomenon recently prompted Gabon to instruct an enhanced control of the fruit and vegetables crossing its border from Cameroon.


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