"Our main markets are the European Union, England, and the United States. Sales to Asia already amount to a little over US$1 billion. However, the potential that Asia in general -and not just China- has, is impressive. Thus, as a country we have to work to access the Asian continent, including China. That work has slowed down a lot due to the problems that the country has faced in recent years. We are trying to get things back on track in this government," stated Gabriel Amaro, president of the Association of Agricultural Producers Guilds of Peru (AGAP).
"We are pressuring the authorities to speed up access to pomegranates, organic bananas, pecans, pitahaya, frozen fruits, cherries, and also chestnuts. We have a whole list of products and have made different advances. We have an opportunity right now because next year Peru hosts the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which brings together the main economies in the Asia-Pacific region, where we are interested in opening markets. It is the best political moment to accelerate these processes so that in a year's time we can gain access for all these products not only to China, but also to other Asian countries."
Source: PerĂº 21 / agraria.pe