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Export of Filipino avocados to South Korea to start tomorrow

According to an official of the Department of Agriculture, the export of Philippine avocados to South Korea will begin on September 30. DA-Bureau of Plant Industry director Gerald Glenn Panganiban said that the fruit will be initially sourced out from DA-BPI-accredited orchards and packing houses of Dole Philippines in Davao, Bukidnon and South Cotabato.

The market access milestone is made possible through the effort of the DA-BPI and the Philippine Agriculture Office in Seoul.

The market access of Hass avocado to Korea was first requested by the Philippine government in 2009 but was put on hold due to the one-at-a-time policy for pest risk analysis (PRA). The PRA for Hass avocado resumed after the Philippines’ success in securing market access for okra exports to Korea in 2021.


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