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Falk Schlusnus of TFC Holland about the avocado market

"We expect that our biggest annual growth in, say, Germany or France, is surely over"

Specialist TFC Holland's exotics category has grown strongly in recent years. This Dutch company is, thus, working on expanding its storage and ripening capacity. Last year, the wholesaler took a new location into use in the Netherlands. It includes artificial intelligence-based avocado and mango ripening technology.

Falk Schlusnus, CEO TFC Holland

"Regarding avocados, it's no secret that globally available quantities will keep increasing in the coming years, including from several African countries," begins Falk Schlusnus, TFC Holland’s CEO. "We, too, still see growing demand, but now, nevertheless, expect the biggest annual growth in, say, Germany or France is over. So, it's vital to keep focusing on quality to convince even those first-time avocado buyers of this product. Our ripening technology helps tremendously in that respect."

Even ripening
TFC Holland uses Softripe technology to ripen its fruit. Falk explains that it not only gives a more even ripening result but also improves shelf life. "Studies by our sister company in the UK show that consumers describe avocados ripened with Softripe as creamier and tastier," says Falk.

For expertise and market access, the company relies on its 30+ years of in-house experience. And on that of its parent company, BayWa Global Produce, and sister companies in countries like New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Germany. Being part of such an umbrella corporate structure helps with direct access to products through long-term, reliable partnerships in the countries of origin. Own cultivation also contributes to ensuring the supply of quality products.

El Niño
To guarantee a year-round supply, TFC-Holland finds it important to source from Africa and South America. There, the climate phenomenon El Niño - which hikes up temperatures and alters rainfall patterns - is causing issues for growers, exporters, and importers.

"We went to Peru recently to get a picture of the situation on the ground. We source most of our Kent mangoes for the European market from that country between January and April. During our visit to some farms, we were repeatedly made aware of the generally tense harvest situation." The hot weather during flowering delayed fruit setting. "That naturally leads to a smaller-than-usual harvest. However, thanks to our long-term partners, we've already secured significant quantities for our European customers. That proves it pays to make a lasting commitment to origins. Our partners and we invest in infrastructure and cultivation there," Falk explains.

Greenskins: a niche
When it comes to avocados, he does not see the Hass variety's dominance toppling any time soon. "It's much better known in Europe than greenskins, which are more of a niche product in that market. Still, there's potential for a wider range of smooth avocados, especially in supermarkets that like carrying wider ranges of other goods too."

Lamb Hass can also be a valuable addition to an assortment, particularly regarding sizes and slightly different harvest timing. That is apart from the benefit to the grower in the form of higher yields and less complex cultivation than Hass. "Lamb Hass, though, mustn't be considered a late Hass avocado. It should be treated as a truly separate variety because, in harvesting, transport, and post-harvest handling, it's not only its size that differs from the Hass," Falk concludes.

From the Netherlands, TFC Holland services supermarket chains, greengrocers, and wholesalers across Europe every day. To ensure a stable supply chain, it imports exotic fruits and vegetables from more than 50 countries. Its range comprises over 200 products, including Fairtrade and organic certified goods. Along with its parent company, BayWa Global Produce, TFC is active in production itself and stands for long-term relationships with growers and customers.

TFC Holland
T: 31 (0) 174 525700
[email protected]