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Kakuzi outlines plans to sustain positioning as an Integrated International Markets Focused Agribusiness Enterprise

At the 96th Annual General Meeting of Kakuzi PLC, Nicholas Ng'ang'a discussed the company's strategic growth plan, emphasizing the aim to establish itself as a leading superfoods producer and exporter in Africa. The plan includes a focus on sustainable crop production to enhance shareholder returns and the exploration of non-agricultural revenue streams that align with long-term goals.

Ng'ang'a highlighted ongoing diversification efforts to decrease reliance on macadamia and avocado through projects like the Blueberry pilot, which has shown promising outcomes. Additionally, the strategy involves expanding into new markets, including India and China, while continuing to serve European markets.

Chris Flowers, Managing Director of Kakuzi PLC, detailed plans to significantly increase avocado production and exports, aiming to raise output from 3 million to 5 million four-kilo equivalent cartons over the next decade. This growth is expected to result from new orchards and the completion of plantings next year, alongside the use of different avocado varieties to offset market and shipping risks. Flowers also mentioned an increase in macadamia production from 900 tons of kernel to 1,500 tons in the same timeframe.


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