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Sam Vasala - Sai World

"I reckon we will be finished by the end of August, which is very early"

The Australian citrus season is running ahead of schedule this year with Washington Navels and Cara Cara already being harvested. There is good demand and growers are picking to fill this.

"The Washington Navels will end early and we will flow into the Late Lanes, I reckon we will be finished by the end of August which is very early," said Sam Vasala from Sai World.

Most of the citrus is being harvested in the Riverland, SA and some from Mildura in Victoria.

"The fruit is looking very good, sizing is great, even the class II fruit is very good. The sizing is better this year, so volumes will be down on last year. This is the best fruit we have had for three or four years."

Domestic and export demand is very good, said Sam. "The conflict in the Red Sea meant that less Egyptian citrus went to Asia and the US didn't have a great season either, which has meant good demand in Asia. India, however is a different story. There has been a lot of Egyptian fruit sent there, but this will soon dry up and then I think it will be a good market. We have just started shipping there.

Koala easy peelers is a brand exclusive to Sai World and it is doing well in Japan, Korea, Thailand, "It is eating really well, with low acid and great flavour," said Sam.

For more information:
Sam Vasala
Sai World Pty Ltd
Tel: +61 (07) 5641 2217
Mob: +61470406579
Email: [email protected]