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Unionization efforts expand in banana sector of the Dominican Republic

In the Dominican Republic, SINTRAPBAM, a workers' union, is spearheading an effort to affiliate banana plantation workers. Union leader Crusito Toribio, along with his team, is actively promoting union membership in the banana-producing areas of Montecristi, Mao Valverde, and Azua. Through partnerships with local enterprises, NGOs, and Haitian churches, SINTRAPBAM aims to advocate for workers' rights and interests.

Crusito Toribio has engaged with banana production companies and their associations throughout the country, facilitating the renewal of contracts for 350 smallholder farmers with Global Banana. The union's approach is to collaborate with the industry to address ongoing challenges, including a decline in production.

SINTRAPBAM collaborates closely with the Fundacion Etnica Integral and the Socio-Cultural Movement for Workers of Haitian Origin (MOSCTHA), leveraging their resources to support migrant workers and their families. Additionally, the Congregation of Pastors of the Haitian Church has played a crucial role in reaching out to workers of Haitian descent.

The Dominican government's 'Comunidad Segura' program has supported the union by funding the appointment of two community managers, aiding in its consolidation efforts. SINTRAPBAM has also initiated training and capacity-building programs focused on women's empowerment, with more activities planned for the future.


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