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Domestic plums are in peak season, with many varieties expected to be harvested earlier

As the plum season in the southern hemisphere ended last month, the northern hemisphere's plum season has begun, bringing domestic plums to market. Initially, domestic plums were priced similarly to imported ones, ranging from ¥60-90 per kilogram. However, as the weather warms, prices are trending downward. Currently, Sanyue plums are the predominant variety available, primarily harvested in Guangdong and Guangxi. With rising temperatures, other varieties such as Bulang Plum, Zhenzhu Plum, and Huangla Plum from various regions will also enter the market.

Debby from SPM Biosciences (Beijing) introduced the Angel Fresh preservative product developed by the company for plums and its advantages during the peak season for domestic plums.

"Most plums are harvested during high temperatures. Low-temperature storage can cause brown rot, while high temperatures can lead to rot and deterioration. Additionally, mechanical damage during storage and transportation increases losses. It's crucial to properly harvest and store plums to reduce sales losses and extend their market availability," Debby explained. "To address this, we developed Angel Fresh, a preservative suitable for plums. Its main active ingredient, 1-MCP, is an effective ethylene inhibitor that keeps plums fresh and extends their shelf life."

According to Debby, Angel Fresh preservative products come in two forms: powder and sachets. "Sachets come in various specifications suitable for different package sizes, while the powder is used for entire cold storage. For short-term transportation, sachets alone are sufficient; for long-term storage and transportation over a month, we recommend using both forms to maintain the product's freshness, preserving its original color, aroma, and nutrients."

SPM Biosciences (Beijing) has nearly ten years of experience in the Chinese market, with its own R&D, analysis, and service team. The company has obtained sales qualifications in countries such as Argentina and the Dominican Republic and is currently seeking sales agents in other regions. "In addition to our existing products, we aim to collaborate with more vegetable wholesalers, exporters, packagers, and agents. We can also provide customized preservation solutions based on different packaging or applications," Debby added.

For more information:
Debby Wang
SPM Biosciences (Beijing) Inc.
Tel.: +86 13141463919