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Brahim El Hasnaoui, Fleuron d’Anjou

“The advantage this year is that the new crop arrived on an empty market”

The Anjou shallot PGI, the only French shallot to have been awarded certification 10 years ago, is starting its campaign. Brahim El Hasnaoui, sales director of the Fleuron d'Anjou cooperative, which produces around 1,500 tons a year, gives an update on the start of the campaign.

"The new harvest arrived on an empty market"
The new harvest began on June 15th, with the campaign due to end in May 2025. "Planting conditions were very complicated from February onwards, because of the cold and the rain, particularly when it came to laying the plastic tarps. However, the bulbs set well and the advantage this year is that the old crop ended earlier than usual, in May. So the new shallots arrived on an empty market and the campaign got off to a good start without any supply left from the previous harvest."

In terms of marketing, "we are back to the usual prices. The PGI brings some market stability and helps avoid fluctuations, so the Anjou shallots benefit from prices that are smoothed out over the year."

The volumes are stable. Given the arduous nature of shallot production, it remains difficult to increase surface areas. "We are trying to recruit new growers, but the manual aspect of the profession (planting and harvesting by hand) is holding back applicants."

For more information:
Brahim El Hasnaoui
Fleuron d'Anjou
Phone: +33(0) 241 530 480
Fax: +33(0) 241 536 712