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Increased exports through port of Mombasa

EU-Kenya pact boosts fresh produce volumes from Tanzania and Uganda

Following an agreement with the European Union, Kenya has seen an uptick in the volume of fresh produce transported via sea shipping, notably impacting goods from Tanzania and Uganda. The Kenya Ports Authority reported a 6% increase in exports of fresh produce from these neighboring countries through the port of Mombasa. This development comes after the port met specific requirements, enabling Kenya to engage in sea freight with the EU, a key export market.

Kenya Ports Authority's Captain William Ruto highlighted the environmental and economic benefits of the agreement, noting its role in reducing Kenya's carbon footprint and enhancing earnings from horticultural exports. The increase in Ugandan and Tanzanian produce at Mombasa port underlines the pact's positive effect on regional exports. To support this initiative, KPA has expanded its reefer points and optimized scanning processes for fresh produce, aiming for faster truck turnaround times.

Ruto emphasized the goal of improving the export competitiveness of Kenyan avocados, mangoes, and vegetables by addressing challenges in production, storage, logistics, and value addition. The Kenya-EU Economic Partnership Agreement, which grants Kenya duty-free access to the EU market, underscores the deal's significance in promoting sustainability in trade relations. This agreement is noted as the EU's most ambitious trade deal with a developing country.


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