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Malaysian fresh durian exporters will have their work cut out for them in China

Following the visit of Chinese Premier Li Qiang to Malaysia, China has granted approval for the importation of fresh Malaysian durians, marking a significant development for the Malaysian durian industry in accessing the substantial Chinese market.

Despite the enthusiasm, concerns about logistical hurdles and competition from lower-priced Thai and Vietnamese durians persist among Malaysian exporters. China, which has seen a surge in demand for durians, especially the premium Musang King variety, has traditionally imported only frozen whole durians and durian-based products from Malaysia, the world's second-largest durian exporter behind Thailand. The expansion of durian cultivation in Malaysia aims to meet the increasing demand from China, with exports reaching RM1.19 billion in 2023. Preparations are underway in Kuala Lumpur for the shipment of fresh durians, albeit with an awareness of the competitive challenges that lie ahead.


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