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Mango price escalation in Bangladesh due to reduced production

In Bangladesh, mango prices have witnessed a sharp increase across various varieties such as Himsagar, Amrapali, and Haribhanga, with a rise of over 60% attributed to a production decline of up to 70% compared to the previous year. The scarcity in supply has led to early sell-outs of some mango varieties in wholesale markets. Factors such as insufficient rainfall, damage from the cyclonic storm Remal, and the impact of an ongoing heatwave have contributed to the reduced yield.

Reports indicate that during May, the Himsagar variety was priced between Tk 3,400-4,000 per maund in the Rajshahi region, escalating to over Tk 4,300 per maund (approx. 45 kg), a significant jump from last year's Tk 1,800-2,500 range.

The Amrapali variety, introduced to the market on June 21, is now priced at Tk 3,700-4,500 per maund, compared to Tk 2,700 last year. Similarly, Haribhanga mangoes are currently selling for Tk 2,500-2,600 per maund, up from Tk 1,600-1,700, while prices for Guti and Lakna varieties have also increased.

[ Tk 10 = €0.08 ]


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