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Peruvian banana exports have decreased by 15% this year

Peru exported 81,083 tons of bananas up until week 24, i.e. 15% less than in the same period of the previous year. This drop was markedly accentuated in week 24 when banana shipments decreased to 1,833 tons, 59% less than the previous week and 43% less than in the same week last year.

The significant decrease in shipments in week 24 is due, in part, to the inability to reach all major markets, including Panama, the second largest buyer of Peruvian bananas with more than 20% share in 2024. Purchases from other markets such as Italy, South Korea, and the United States also fell this week. The Netherlands, South Korea, and Italy were the main destinations, with 68%, 8.1%, and 7.7% shares, respectively.

The Netherlands purchased 1,255 tons, 0.5% less than the previous week. Exports to South Korea and Italy fell by 77% and 41%, reaching 148 and 140 tons, respectively.

Source: Fresh Fruit /

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