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Vegetable prices reach new heights in Khulna

In Khulna, vegetable prices have surged, surpassing previous records, with a kilogram of various vegetables now retailing at Tk 60-70. This marks a notable increase from the previous rates of Tk 45-55 per kg. A recent market survey revealed that the majority of vegetables are being sold within this price range. This development is certainly impacting the budgetary constraints of low-income families.

According to a vendor at Boro Bazar, vegetable prices have hit unprecedented levels. Currently, potatoes are priced at Tk 60-65 per kg, up from Tk 50-55, while unseasonal tomatoes have jumped to Tk 60 per kg from Tk 40-45. Additionally, the cost of red/green vegetables, and green bananas has seen an uptick. Notably, green chilli and brinjal are retailing at Tk 200-250 and Tk 70/-0 per kg respectively.

[ Tk 100 = €0.80 ]


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