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Aiming to level the playing field with competitors

Philippines focuses on lowering banana export tariff to Japan

Agriculture Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel Jr. recently highlighted efforts to negotiate a reduction in Japan's tariff on Philippine banana exports, aiming to level the playing field with competitors like Vietnam and Ecuador, who currently enjoy a zero tariff advantage. Speaking at a Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry event, Laurel voiced dissatisfaction with the existing tariff disparity and outlined his proactive approach to address the issue, including a planned visit to Japan to engage directly with the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).

Laurel's discussions with Japan's new envoy to Manila, Ambassador Endo Kazuya, and the recent ASEAN-Japan Midori Cooperation Plan, underscore the Philippines' broader agenda to enhance agricultural trade relations with Japan. This includes not only the push for reduced banana tariffs but also efforts to secure market access for other commodities like fresh avocados and mangoes, and to explore the export of processed poultry products. Bananas remain the Philippines' leading agricultural export to Japan, with significant trade volumes recorded.

The Philippines is also working to lower banana export tariffs to South Korea, following a free trade agreement that promises to eliminate these tariffs within five years, further illustrating the country's strategic approach to bolstering its agricultural exports on multiple fronts.


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