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Indonesia aims to enhance durian export value to China

Indonesia, a big global player in durian production and export, is focusing on elevating the value of its durian agriculture, with a specific emphasis on catering to the Chinese market. The strategy includes advancing research on durian, known as "the king of fruits," and the expansion of durian plantations. Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Indonesia's coordinator for cooperation with China and coordinating minister of maritime affairs and investment, recently visited China to fortify bilateral trade relations.

During his visit, Luhut underscored the potential of durian exports to China, projecting an export value of up to US$8 billion. In response to the increasing demand for exotic fruits in China, the Indonesian government has partnered with the Beijing Genomics Institute to undertake a study aimed at ensuring the export of high-quality durians. Additionally, Luhut disclosed that the government is in the process of establishing approximately 100 hectares of durian plantations in North Sumatra and West Papua, with plans for further expansion into other provinces, including Central Sulawesi.

These regions are believed to possess the capacity to cultivate durian varieties that meet the Chinese market's demand. According to Statistics Indonesia, the country produced approximately 1.85 million tonnes of durians last year, with over half of the production originating from Java. Notably, East Java emerged as the top durian-producing province, contributing more than 480,000 tonnes to the total output.


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